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Saturday, 5 March 2011

Flood Now???

             Winter is a major event in Canada. Probably bigger than spring break. It is that time of the year
"When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold"; 
and here January is the cruelest month, not April :)
On a fine cold morning of winter 2009 (The year of my advent to Canada), when 
I was talking to my mother over the phone, I told her that it was -21 degrees. 
Her reply was: "Minus 21?? Doesn't that happen in Alaska?" 
Well, winter in Toronto this year has been so severe that Alaskans are feeling comforted! Temperatures reached -50 in Ontario and heavy snowfall had become an every day affair. To top it all, windchill ranging from -7 to -21 was making outdoor activities so difficult that I had to waver my favourite winter activity. Yes, ice skating went out of question for even many of my dauntless Canadian neighbours. However, the good news is, spring is on its way and gradually making its entrance into our heath-life. Wait a minute! Did I say good news? Flip the coin and see the ghost... and the ghost here is a flood system. At eight in the morning, this is the first news I get: "lots of spring showers have been forecasted for the following weeks". More rain equals to more rundowns and rainwater causing the ice to melt, causing local floods. No wonder, I see water-proofing advertisements everyday, all day long on the TV. And now that I am sitting by the window,  listening to the incessant pitter-patter of the rain, I am wondering if it was as good an idea leaving one extreme climate for another as I had thought. My journey from India to Canada amongst other things has been a journey from positive 40 degree Celsius to negative 40... now lets search for the one that will be a fine balance...

See you soon in Joyee-nation!


  1. Its a really serious, yet funny melts --- land floods --- the flood water cools down on a random chilly night and becomes ice again...and the rock rolls on so forth, till we are all buried under the third ice age :)

  2. Possible situation. The way the earth's going about it's own destruction, we are not far from the 3rd ice age...
