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Thursday, 3 March 2011

Bel Esprit

 "Word" is a curious thing. And we incessantly engage in utilizing these curious bits of sounds to convey our innermost thoughts, outermost feelings and every other significant, insignificant details that lie in between. Have you ever wondered how many words an individual uses on an average each day? A friend of mine, pursuing PhD in linguistics at the University of Minnesota had once informed me that an individual ends up using around 3000 words regularly, irrespective of his/her level of education and socio-economic condition. However, at this point of time, I will choose not to get into the academics of words. Instead, what I wish to do is explain to you, the meaning of my screen name. Why so? It is so because of your curiosity - a curiosity about words...its meaning, etymology, etc. This name was given to me by a student. Bel means beautiful or fine, and descends from the Latin word bellus, of the same meaning. Esprit on the other hand means mind in French. Reminds me of the movie- "A beautiful mind". Now, I don't know what she had in her mind, but when she opened me my facebook account, so that I could keep in touch with all my students after I left India, this is the name that she chose for me. And it has stuck on and keeps appearing everywhere...and you got curious, as to the significance of the name. Today I am breaking its enigma :)

Do let me know about your experience with words....rare and common...

 See you soon in Joyee-nation!

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