My little sister is leaving for her Med. School
today. For the next 5 1/2 years, the college hostel will more or less be her
home. In the last 5 years of living in Canada, I have missed a lot of things
that I should have been there with her for. Sri, I am feeling very sad that I
am not with you today!
I. The day you wanted
to vent your heart;
to laugh aloud
but no one heard
nor thought the joke was funny enough
II. The day you won
the “Computer Wiz.” fame;
a Performing Arts’ Distinction
or in Bhavan’s journal
published your first poem
III. The day you wanted
someone to compliment.
Praise you for things
other than grades
that failed meeting what others expect;
IV. The day you bunked
school first time;
Had a secret to share
or felt very sad
without reason or rhyme
V. The day it rained hard
and you wanted to dance;
Practice the new language
that you had started to learn
but no one else cared as much
VI. Teenage tantrums,
Late night movies,
Buttered popcorn
Company cravings-
Unrecognized, unlamented didn't go.
And today as you leave,
I add one more;
For each of those days
that I could not be there
Let this say how much I cared- I care!
I. The day you wanted
to vent your heart;
to laugh aloud
but no one heard
nor thought the joke was funny enough
II. The day you won
the “Computer Wiz.” fame;
a Performing Arts’ Distinction
or in Bhavan’s journal
published your first poem
III. The day you wanted
someone to compliment.
Praise you for things
other than grades
that failed meeting what others expect;
IV. The day you bunked
school first time;
Had a secret to share
or felt very sad
without reason or rhyme
V. The day it rained hard
and you wanted to dance;
Practice the new language
that you had started to learn
but no one else cared as much
VI. Teenage tantrums,
Late night movies,
Buttered popcorn
Company cravings-
Unrecognized, unlamented didn't go.
And today as you leave,
I add one more;
For each of those days
that I could not be there
Let this say how much I cared- I care!